The Party
Last night we celebrated Connor's birthday with the grandparents. and seeing how we just came home from vacation, I had about 8 hours to plan the party, decide the location, shop for food and gifts, prepare the food, and finally travel the 45 minutes to get to the party location.
We had the party at Drenthe Grove, a quiet, but nice park in Zeeland. Not sure why we had the party there except that sometime I feel bad that everyone has to travel so far to get to our house. 
Grandma VD hanging out with the boys before dinner.
the food: hamburgs, hotdogs, baked beans, potato salad, finger jello, watermelon, chips, and oreo fuffly salad.
Connor and Grandpa praying before dinner.
Everyone enjoying dinner
I had a hard time trying to figure what Connor really NEEDED for birthday gifts this year. So I took the boy to Toys R US (aka "the word world store" more of that later.) and the first thing he saw was Toy Story 3 stuff everywhere. He couldn't decide what he wanted, cause he threw just about everything in the cart. I had a hard time keeping up with him putting things back on the shelf.
Connor and Grama before opening presents
Connor with his new scooter...big stuff. I can't believe he's old enough for this.
Presents from G &G Van Dam, Pixnar Cars toys and a fishing pole.
Then finally the present he picked out himself. Toy Story 3 stuff - Rex as a roaring flashlight,
Woody, Jesse and Bullseye,
his Woody guitar,
and a Buzz Lightyear Umbrella (hoping this one will last longer than one day.)
If you don't already now, I love making cupcakes, and birthdays are no except. When I asking Connor what kind he wanted. He suggested Red cupcakes with yellow frosting, well mommy overruled that and made yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting and he was fine with that too.
It was a great I just need to come up with something to do on his actual birthday.