Monday, October 29, 2007

Price is Right goes bad

Okay I have to admit I like or should I say liked to watch the Price is Right. I am watching it right for the first time since Drew Carey took over hosting the show. IT'S NOT THE SAME. I would rather watch reruns with Bob Barker. The show is very "dry" with Carey as the host. What do the rest of you think????

I really need to change the channel back to Rachel Ray....except that Drew Carey is a guest on the show today.


  1. You can't get away from Drew Carey!

    I'll have to check it out and see. I haven't watched it since I worked in the nursing home. ;) Now seems like a good time to start again, right?

  2. I agree. Not the same.

    I actually went to the Price is Right. You think you want to be a contestant until they start calling names.

  3. I haven't watched it because of the change. I can remember watching TPIR with my Grandma and she would get such a hoot out of Bob Barker so I just haven't been able to watch it now. I agree, Rachel Ray is awesome and so does Morgan so we watch it a lot.

  4. Oh girls! I despise the price is right! So, I cant comment on the new host!
