Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mr. Lima Bean has seen better days

A few weeks ago, Brendan was excited that he got to take home his Lima Bean plant aka Mr Lima. It was a plant that they planted in school and watched them grow for a while and then took home. At first Mr Lima did quite well at home. He was even getting bigger and I had to start staking him so he wasn't all over the counter. I tried water him daily and get him a dose of Vitamin D aka Mr Sunny. That's when we started to have a problem. You see I put the Mr Lima on the floor by the slider door for an afternoon of sun soaking, and then I forgot about it, until it was too late. Connor got a hold of Mr Lima and unplanted it. Brendan went completely mad and started yell and crying at the same time. I think he was really proud of his plant.

I try to replant it, but only one of the plants were able to even get planted and from there on out everything has gone down hill, fast. Mr Lima is now begining to look a little sick and I don't think he is going to make it. It will be a sad day here at the Van Dam house when we have to throw out Mr Lima.

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